Aerospace Partner Search

Problem: A major aerospace OEM was interested in acquiring one or more technology-rich sensor manufacturers to support its expanding product line. The OEM was not familiar with the structure of the sensor technology market, industry profitability, return on equity and assets, growth rates, competition and the rate of technology innovation. To this end, the OEM wanted to establish criteria by which to evaluate and rank potential acquisition candidates so that a target list could be drawn up and further inquiries made.

Solution: NVR provided a complete overview of the industry detailing leading sensor manufacturers, growth rates and logical segmentations by application area. Additionally, company profiles were constructed containing technological, market, financial, and customer analyses to allow the sponsor to evaluate selected candidates on a preliminary basis. Based on the results of NVR’s research effort, the client decided against pursuing acquisitions as the sensor industry did not provide the necessary synergies for technological integration, nor was there an adequate return on investment anticipated to warrant further investigation.