The worldwide OEM electronics assembly market is substantial in size, with approximately $1.5 trillion dollars in terms of cost of goods sold (COGS) as of 2023. The market has been expanding rapidly but is changing in composition, both in terms of outsourcing partnerships with in-house manufacturing. Also, moves are being made annually with regard to the manufacturing country of origin based on total cost.
New Venture Research (NVR) has followed the electronics assembly industry for over 30 years with its research reports that focus on all aspects of this industry. The Worldwide OEM Electronics Assembly Market – 2024 Edition is a peerless database that analyzes the 2023 electronics assembly market on a worldwide basis. It is developed by studying nearly 400 leading OEM electronics companies in 46 different product categories and their manufacturing activities in 3 different geographic areas. Moreover, the report examines the electronics assembly market by outsourced subcontractors versus in-house assembly by the OEM company.
The report segments the worldwide electronics assembly value into seven unique markets: Automotive, Communications, Computers/Peripherals, Consumer Electronics, Industrial, Medical, Aerospace/Military/Other Transportation
The following production data is given for the leading OEMs within each product/market segment: COGS Assembly Revenue, Electronics COGS Assembly Revenue, Outsourced/In-Housed Assembly Revenue, Assembly Revenue by 3 Regions, Assembly Revenue by 46 Products
The leading OEMs for each segment are chosen not only for their size, but also for their leadership within their industry segment, growth potential, profitability, and inclination to outsource electronics assembly.