As with any exciting topic, there is a lot of speculation and exaggerated estimates about the impact of nanotechnology over time. To help you evaluate the future directions of nanotechnology, Electronic Trend Publications is pleased to present, Nanotechnology Markets and Trends, a comprehensive worldwide market study on the trends, issues, and leading companies in nanotechnology.
This report is organized into seven chapters. Chapter 1, “Introduction,” outlines the scope, organization, and methodology for the report. Chapter 2, “Executive Summary,” presents top-level data from throughout the report.
Chapter 3, “Worldwide Nanotechnology Funding,” looks at government support and funding of nanotechnology research initiatives by country.
Chapter 4, “Nanotechnology Materials,” examines the basic building block elements and components that are used to construct integrated circuits, sensors, displays, and energy devices. The chapter also quantifies and forecasts the total growth in nanotechnology materials spending over the next fifteen years.
Chapter 5, “Nanotechnology and Electronics,” examines how nanotechnology will impact leading industry segments such as integrated circuits, sensors, and display technology. The chapter quantifies and forecasts the total growth of nanotechnology in these key electronics markets over the next fifteen years.
Chapter 6, “Nanotechnology and Energy,” examines how nanotechnology will impact areas such as energy storage, generation, transmission, and conversion.
Chapter 7, “Nanotechnology Metrology,” looks at the leading tools and instruments used to develop nanotechnology materials and products. The chapter also quantifies and forecasts the total growth in nanotechnology metrology over the next fifteen years.
Profiles of leading nanotechnology suppliers are provided in Chapters 4–7. These profiles provide a snap-shot of leading nanotechnology companies’ directions and products.
For more information please contact:
Randall Sherman
New Venture Research Corp.
337 Clay St., Suite 101
Nevada City, CA 95959