
The worldwide electronics manufacturing services (EMS) market is a determining force in the production of electronics products and now accounts for 47 percent of all assembly. While the rate of growth for outsourcing experienced a burst in 2018, confirming that it is the most desired manufacturing model for the assembly of advanced electronics products available to OEM companies. The EMS industry increased by approximately 14.8 percent in 2021 as a result of the growth of sales for servers, communications infrastructure, and internet data storage.

New Venture Research (NVR) has followed this industry for over 25 years and is pleased to offer our latest update on this continually expanding market. Our report, The Worldwide Electronics Manufacturing Services Market – 2022 Edition, is the most comprehensive market research report on the EMS industry. This analysis focuses on the leading players, growing market segments, total available market (TAM), and emerging manufacturing opportunities and technologies by product and country.

The report begins with an analysis of the worldwide electronics assembly market in terms of cost of goods sold (COGS), thus providing a baseline for the manufacturing value of electronics product assemblies. This forecast is checked against 46 individual product segments in seven industries (automotive, communications, computers, consumer, industrial, medical, aviation, and aerospace and defense industries). NVR estimates that the total electronics assembly value was $1.4 trillion in 2021 and will grow to approximately $1.8 trillion in 2026. Fueled by the demand for EMS services, the contract manufacturing industry will grow from $683 billion in 2021 to $947 billion in 2026 – approximately at a 6.8 percent CAGR.

To support this conclusion, the report analyzes the EMS industry in a variety of ways. First, it reviews the worldwide market for EMS and OEM electronics assembly by individual product. Second, the report analyzes the EMS industry, including a breakdown of the market leaders and relative share by industry and region. Third, the market opportunity for emerging growth is presented by product and country across 50 countries, 46 product segments and 900+ manufacturing sites. No other report gives such detail by country wage rate and regional product assembly. The data can also be purchased as an Excel file to allow for easy analysis of the hundreds of variables collected in the report.

The report also includes an EMS financial performance analysis for the best-performing companies and examines a variety of critical financial metrics. Another chapter reviews EMS mergers and acquisitions for the past few years and the impact on the growth of the industry and its competitiveness.

The report concludes with profiles of the largest EMS and ODM firms (103 companies–87 EMS and 17 ODM) from all over the world. These reviews summarize the market focus of each company, its leading customers, and each company’s financial production performance statistics. The intent of these profiles is to serve as a global directory and competitive analysis tool for industry participants.

Download a complete brochure of the report here: